So one of my dear friends who I have known since I was a little girl, Carrien, also has a blog.
I love to read it, and some of my favorite posts of hers are her 1000 gifts blogs. Then I went to the gratitude community which insprired her and loved that too. That community is here:
(Unfortunately I don't know how to make the link hide in a word that you can just click on.)
Anyway, I'm going to join in the praise. I naturally have the tendency to find joy and happiness in the simplest and sometimes weirdest things. So it will be interesting and fun to keep record of some of those things here in my blog. I will also be keeping my collection of gratitude written down in a little notebook. I'm not going to pick a specific day of the week to do so, I'm just going to share as I feel led. But I will be making a 1000 Gifts post once a week.
So here it goes....
My husband coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me. There is something extra affectionate about those unexpected hugs.
The Library. Especially when the book I have been waiting for is finally checked in.
The item I'm purchasing being on sale, but not knowing this until I am paying at the register.
My hair being long enough for a ponytail again, but not long enough for the ponytail to give me a headache.
All the amazing people who fought for equal rights. Without them I wouldn't have been able to marry my husband, let alone hold his hand in public without severe consequences.
When a band I love releases a new album and it does not dissapoint.
A 75 degree day in Florida and almost no humidity. I got to wear jeans.
Seeing a daddy carry his baby around in one of those back pack like things that goes on the front. I internally squeel everytime I see this, well sometimes externally too.
A close friend deciding she wants to be free and taking the steps to quit smoking the healthy way.
The fact that my mom took tons of beautiful pictures my whole childhood, now I am able to look back on my life and share it with my husband and eventually our children.
God is Good.
Yay, so glad you stopped by! Carazay our blogs are named the same and we have much of the same in common! Having a mixed baby has been interesting. I recently figured out that you can used adult products on a 4 month old. YAY! VERY exciting. I can't wait to read more posts! Your comment was so cute and sweet. I have curly hair too that is easily straightened! Our babies just don't stand a chance do they! Or your future babies or whatever... :) Thanks to you Mom, I know that you read your daughters comments, and "introducing" us.